What is efflorescence and how to avoid?
Efflorescence is the accumulation of soluble salts in the roughcast mortar, plastering and/or plaster that together with water rise to the surface. Usually, it appears in the spacing joints between pieces; however, in the most severe cases, the efflorescence reaches to perforate the ceramic piece.
It is important to note that efflorescence only appears if there is any infiltration or moisture in the place, as it is the water that carries the salts to the surface, forming a thick layer, usually hard and whitish in color.
The best way to avoid this pathology is to isolate the infiltration points (if any), respect the curing times in the execution of each stage of the work, do not set ceramic tiles on a wet (uncured) base, waterproof the masonry, prefer the consumption of Pozzolanic cement, as it has less salt content.